The list below is current as of 2007-01-12. Further papers are currently being prepared for submission, or are under consideration for publication. For more information, please refer to my complete CV. More information about these works, together with a more detailed description of the various projects, is available from the projects page.
Software: Practice & Experience (SP&E)
A. Cunei, J. Vitek. An Efficient and Flexible Toolkit for Composing Customized Method Dispatchers. (to appear)
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)
A. Armbruster, J. Baker, A. Cunei, C. Flack, D. Holmes, F. Pizlo, E. Pla, M. Prochazka, J. Vitek. A Real-Time
Java Virtual Machine for Avionics. (to appear)
Cell Calcium
F. Mammano, M. Canepari, G. Capello, R.B. Ijaduola, A. Cunei, L. Ying, F. Fratnik, A. Colavita. An optical recording system based on a fast CCD sensor for biological imaging. In Cell Calcium, 25(2):115--123, February 1999.
in PDF,
and here is the bibtex record.
Optical Manipulation of Living Cells
A. Colavita, G. Capello, R.B. Ijaduola, A. Cunei, L. Lagostena, M. Canepari, F. Mammano. Intracellular gradients of free calcium visualized in sensory and neuronal cells by a high-performance fluorescence imaging system. In Optical Manipulation of Living Cells. D.L. Farkas, R.C. Leif, B.J. Tromberg, Eds. Proceedings of SPIE Series, Vol. 3604, pp. 100-106, January 1999.
in PDF,
and here is the bibtex record.
Compiler Construction (CC 2007)
J. Baker, A. Cunei, F. Pizlo, J. Vitek. Accurate Garbage Collection in Uncooperative Environments with Lazy Pointer Stacks. In Proceedings of Compiler Construction, 16th International Conference (CC 2007), part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2007), March 26--30, 2007, Braga, Portugal.
in PDF,
here is the bibtex record.
ACM Virtual Machine and Execution Environments (VEE 2006)
A. Cunei, J. Vitek. A New Approach To Real-Time Checkpointing. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Virtual Machine and Execution Environments Conference (VEE 2006), June 14--16, 2006, Ottawa, Canada.
in PDF,
here is the bibtex record, and the ACM DOI.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2006)
J. Baker, A. Cunei, C. Flack, F. Pizlo, M. Prochazka, J. Vitek, A. Armbuster, E. Pla, D. Holmes. Real-time Java in Avionics Applications. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2006), April 4--7, 2006, San Jose, California, USA.
in PDF,
here is the bibtex record, and the IEEE DOI.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2005)
J. Manson, J. Baker, A. Cunei, S. Jagannathan, M. Prochazka, B. Xin, J. Vitek. Preemptible Atomic Regions for Real-time Java. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2005), 6--8 December 2005, Miami, Florida, USA.
in PDF,
here is the bibtex record, and the IEEE
ACM International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
System, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2005)
A. Cunei, J. Vitek. PolyD: A Flexible Dispatching Framework. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, System, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2005), SIGPLAN Notices, 40(10):487--503, October 16--20, 2005 San Diego, California, USA.
in PDF,
here is the bibtex record, the bibtex as an article in SIGPLAN
Notices, and the ACM
J. Baker, K. Bennet, A. Cunei, C. Flack, C. Grothoff, D. Holmes, A. Madan, G. Markova, J. Manson, K. Palacz, F. Pizlo, M. Prochazka, J. Thomas, H. Yamauchi, J. Vitek. Design and implementation of the Ovm RTSJ VM: an experience report. 3rd Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems (JTRES), 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, System, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2005), October 16-20, 2005, San Diego, California, USA.
A. Cunei, J. Vitek. Techniques for RealTime Checkpointing, 3rd Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems. 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (JTRES), System, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2005), October 16-20, 2005, San Diego, California, USA.
M. Wolczko, A. Cunei: Fast lifetime analysis of objects in a garbage-collected system. US Patent No. 6,728,738
A. Cunei: Memory management unit technique to detect cross-region pointer stores. US Patent No. 7,191,307.
Tech Reports and Theses
A. Cunei: Use of Preemptive Program Services with
Optimised Native Code, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow
(Scotland), December 2004.
in PDF,
here is the bibtex record.
A. Cunei: Multimethod-Based Orthogonally Persistent
Programming Language. M.Sc. Thesis, also available as Technical
Report TR-2001-81, Department of Computing Science, University
of Glasgow (Scotland), September 2000.
in PDF,
here is the bibtex record, and the bibtex as a DCS Tech Report.