Welcome to cunei.com

This site offers information about me (Antonio Cunei, better known as Toni), my academic life and professional experience, current and past projects, and contact information. The latest news follows below.
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This site offers information about me (Antonio Cunei, better known as Toni), my academic life and professional experience, current and past projects, and contact information. The latest news follows below.
Enjoy your visit!
The paper "Accurate Garbage Collection in Uncooperative Environments Revisited", which I co-authored at Purdue, has now been accepted for publication in the journal "Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience". It will appear in print in the near future.
Following four years at Purdue University, I will shortly move to the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland, where I will be working on the Scala language at the Programming Methods Laboratory under the direction of Prof. Martin Odersky. You will find me there from June 2008 onwards.
The NSF grant proposal NSF-CT 0716659, "CT-ER: Controlled Declassification with Software Transactional Memory", in which I am Co-Principal Investigator, has been accepted in the very competitive NSF CyberTrust program; that will lead to an award of about $250,000 in research funds.
The paper "Continuations in the Java Virtual Machine", by Iulian Dragos, Antonio Cunei, Jan Vitek, has been accepted at the Second Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems (ICOOOLPS'07) (ECOOP'07 workshop), July 30, 2007, Berlin, Germany.
I now have a new patent; the US Patent Office has finally approved a patent application that has been pending for a while. It refers to an optimization applicable to generational garbage collectors and other techniques, where creating certain references must trigger an event.
The full text is available here.
I am a researcher at EPFL, the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, in Lausanne, Switzerland.